Information Energy

Ticket sale is open!

The conference program will be available in February - stay tuned!

All presentations and tutorials will be recorded and made available to all attendees for three months after the conference.

Please find the ticket fees with additional information here below. The early bird price is valid until March 18.

Choose Your Ticket

Online Conference

Conference Ticket

Online Conference


One ticket, all services included:

  • 3 conference days
  • 30+ sessions
  • International expert speakers
  • Topics: future trends in technical communication, software documentation, technical translation and AI
  • A variety of formats: presentations, lightning talks, workshops, meetups
  • Connect with an international audience
Configure Ticket

Tickets for Partner Associations

Online Conference

Online-Ticket for Partner Associations

One ticket, all services included:

  • 3 conference days
  • 30+ sessions
  • International expert speakers
  • Topics: future trends in technical communication, software documentation, technical translation and AI
  • A variety of formats: presentations, lightning talks, workshops, meetups
  • Connect with an international audience
Configure Ticket


Regular Fee

Early Bird Rate (valid until March 18)

Regular350 €250 €
Members of tekom/tekom Europe and Partner associations*200 €-
Students**25 €-



*Prices are valid for members of tekom Germany / tekom Europe and our partner associations: Assoziierte Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Norddeutschland e.V. (ADÜNord e.V.), Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer (BDÜ), Deutscher Terminologie Tag (DTT), European Language Industry Association (ELIA), Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), Japan Technical Communicators Association (JTCA), Kundendienst-Verband Deutschland e.V. (KVD), Technical Writer of India (TWIN), and Finnish Technical Communications Society (STVY).

As a member of tekom and tekom Europe you can benefit from a reduced ticket fee!
Not a tekom Europe member yet? More information on the different types of memberships can be found here.


**The reduced participation fee applies to trainees, pensioners and unemployed persons who are members of tekom or become members in the course of the conference registration. In addition, these prices apply against proof for full-time students who are members of tekom or become members in the course of the conference registration, as well as for participants who are currently in educational courses accredited by tekom:

Are you a student, trainee or volunteer in technical communication or a related field? Our student membership and its exclusive benefits are recommended to you to help you effectively start your career and gain good prospects. Student membership is free of charge and non-binding. More information can be found here.