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Clear the stage for your performance!

Share a case study, a lecture, a workshop, or an inspiring thing you have encountered in the field of technical communication and software documentation!

The Call for Papers Is Closed

The call for papers for Information Energy is closed! The new online conference will take place on April 2–4 and will be hosted via Zoom. This is your chance to tell your story, share experiences or present your ideas and showcases.

The call for papers was running until January 15, 2025. Please stay tuned for the program!

We are looking forward to receiving interesting proposals!

Our goal is to support the personal, interpersonal and professional development of professionals who are involved in technical communication.

We had in mind the topics below, but we are also open to other topics and subjects that are interesting for technical writers. If you have something to say, then speak up!


We are looking for submissions on the following topics:

  • AI and New Technologies in TC
  • Content Strategy and Data Analytics
  • UX, UI Design, and Interactive Documentation 
  • Multimodality and Accessibility in TD
  • Software Documentation
  • Business Value of TC
  • The Future of Technical Writers
  • Global and Cultural Aspects of TC
  • Education and Professional Development

Please find here the detailed topic description. 

Presentation Formats

You can choose between these formats:

  • Presentation, 30 - 40 min (conveys information, lecture with subsequent discussion)
  • Partner presentation, 40 min (conveys information, presentation of a case study or real practice. Manufacturers and service providers: The starting point is the situation at the manufacturer's site)
  • Lightning talk, 10 min ( short presentation that focuses on just a couple of key points)
  • Tutorial, 60 min (for learning purposes, practical demonstration of an application or method)
  • Workshop, 90 min (for learning purposes, interactive group work with participants, strong practical relevance)
  • Meetup, 30 min (serves the exchange and networking between the participants in small groups, moderated discussion between the participants)
  • Panel, 45 min (expert discussion with moderator)

Target Audience

Information Energy is designed for newcomers, experienced technical writers, project managers, translators and anyone who deals with information.

How to submit your proposal

Please submit your proposal (including your presentation title, abstract and bio) by registering and logging in with the"my conference tool" on the tekom WebPortal. You can find all the information on how to submit your proposal on this page.

Evaluation of the Papers Submitted

Papers will be selected exclusively by the advisory board, consisting of international experts in the field of technical communication.

How do you become a speaker?

Of course we won't leave you stranded – especially if you are planning to become a speaker for the first time. There are questions that we would be happy to clarify with you and uncertainties that we will gladly clear up for you. You can find more information on how to become a speaker here.